What do you do when an art technique doesn't work?

When you are creating and something isn’t working what do you do?

1. Do you scrap it and start over? 2. Do you just give up? 3. Or do you keep going?

I have definitely done all 3 and all of that is ok. But as I’ve done more art I find myself doing more of #3. I keep going! What I’ve learned and found with choosing to keep plugging along is that I usually learn something and it usually turns out to be just fine!

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I’m not talking masterpiece fine because masterpieces aren’t my thing…but just I”m so glad I kept going fine. There have definitely been times when I’ve been frozen and feel like I can’t move past it or forward but I’m finding more and more if I just keep going then good things come from it. Most of the time just small things but all the small things add up.

watch the process video

So I wanted to share this video with you. It was for an art journal challenge that I hosted and I wanted to share my process for one of the challenges. It may not initially look like I struggled but I did and I wanted to point that out to you. At the beginning of the video a technique that I had done in the past and I loved wasn’t working. I was struggling ya’ll! I almost quit and started over but I decided to keep going and just see what happened. What happened was I’m glad I kept going because it all turned out just fine. So take a peek at my process video and I hope it inspires you to create and to keep going!

Why am I sharing all of this with you? Because I want you to keep moving, keep going, move forward in your creative things. I believe everyone is creative, yes I’m talking to you 🥰, and that as long as you keep moving you are growing and learning. And to me growing creatively means feeding your soul and really just making your heart happy.

I’d love to hear in the comments how you handle something that’s not working? Do you keep going?

Supplies Used

Part of the fun of art journaling is trying new supplies and techniques. You can find some of my favorite art journaling supplies in my Amazon Shop along with most of the supplies I used in the video. (Please note I earn a small commission if you purchase from my shop at no extra cost to you. I also only recommend products I use and love!)

Thanks for being here and keep creating sweet friends!


P.S. Are you part of the Junque Art creative family? If yes, thank you so much for being a part of the family. If not, well girl get yourself over there and join the family! I’ve got some fun things in the works that you might want to know about. Family gets first dibs on things and a family discount in the shop! There’s also a free art print waiting for you. Whoop whoop! And this is the best kinda family because you don’t have to clean up after me!

Come by and say hi on Instagram where I share creative randomness often!